Q. How do I log in to my Documents On Demand account?
Last Updated: Jul 12, 2022 Views: 311

Documents on Demand gets articles, books, book chapters, and more for you from libraries around the world, and we deliver scans of articles and book chapters from the CMU collections.

To log in to your Documents On Demand Account:

  1. Go to: https://library.cmich.edu/dodaccount
  2. Log in with your CMU global ID and password

To Submit a Request

  1. Log into your Documents On Demand account, starting at https://library.cmich.edu/dodaccount 
  2. Under Place a New Request, choose Article or Book Chapter, Book, or Audio-Visual Material, depending on what you need.
  3. Enter information about the item you want to request, including as much of the citation information as possible.
  4. SUBMIT your request.

You will receive an email notification from Documents on Demand when your item is available. 

To Retrieve Electronic Materials

  1. Log into your Documents On Demand account using the link below or the link included in your email notification.
  2. VIEW/Electronically Received Articles is the screen that first opens.
  3. Click on the item to retrieve a PDF copy of your materials.

    NOTE:  Delivered items are accessible in your account for a limited time of 30 days; be sure to download a copy of each item.

If you have questions about using your Documents On Demand account, please contact Documents on Demand at:

  • 1-989-774-3022
  • askdod@cmich.edu

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Contact Documents on Demand

Documents on Demand
Central Michigan University
University Libraries
202 Park Library
250 E. Preston
Mt. Pleasant, MI 48859
  Call: 989-774-3022 or
Fax: 989-774-4499
