Q. I'm having trouble locating an article in the database...is it possible to send me a pdf?
Last Updated: Jul 18, 2022 Views: 366

When you need a PDF of an article, you can make your requests to Documents on Demand, through your Documents On Demand account.

You can access your account at this website: https://library.cmich.edu/dodaccount.

Log in with your CMU global ID and password.

You will get an email letting you know when your article is ready for download from your On Demand (ILLiad) account.

Please contact us at Documents on Demand if you have any further questions:

Phone: 989-774-3022 or 800-274-3838 (8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday-Friday)

Email: askdod@cmich.edu 



Contact Documents on Demand

Documents on Demand
Central Michigan University
University Libraries
202 Park Library
250 E. Preston
Mt. Pleasant, MI 48859
  Call: 989-774-3022 or
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