Q. I am a faculty member. Can I have a librarian to come to my class and give my students an orientation to the library?
Last Updated: Feb 03, 2022     Views: 285

CMU librarians are happy to come to your class --whether a face-to-face or an online class-- to talk to your students about the library resources and services they have available to them, and tp help them get started on their research. Topics covered include locating journal articles and books, getting copies of documents needed for research, and writing assistance. The content of the session will be tailored to the specific needs of your class.

If you're an on campus faculty member, the easiest way to request a class visit is to contact your subject librarian at the link below. If you're off campus select one of the Distance Library Services librarians listed at the link.



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 Text (989) 863-4639
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