Q. What is WorldCat?
Last Updated: Feb 18, 2022     Views: 511

Worldcat.org is a website that allows you to search across thousands of library catalogs in an easy-to-use interface. You can enter a zip code to locate materials at a library close to you, but you will need to contact that library to see if borrowing privileges are available to you. 

You can access WorldCat.org from anywhere and do not need a CMU login. For more information on using WorldCat, follow the link below and click on the HELP link under the Home button at the top left of the screen.

WorldCat Help

CMU also provides access to a subscription version of WorldCat (linked below). This database is also known as WorldCat FirstSearch, and it offers more advanced search options.

Once you've logged into WorldCat, select the HELP button on the top left side of the screen for information on searching, browsing, and accessing WorldCat resources.

WorldCat FirstSearch Help


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